The series is set in A.G (Advanced Generation) Year 115, and as the war's name implies, its storyline is set to span across one century. The first pilot is Frit Asuno, who developed the Gundam and its AGE SYSTEM that allows it to "evolve" and gain access to its three forms from experience in battle, Normal Form, the faster SPARROW Form and the more powerful TITUS Form. The second pilot is Asemu Asuno, Frit's child, and the third and final protagonist is Kio Asuno, Frit's descendant who inherits the Gundam. Further information about the series' plot is yet to be explained, but it was noted that this Gundam series have its character designs and merchandise oriented to younger audiences in contrast to previous installments of the from wiki...
(images from various sources in the internet)
1.5 Gundam
From what I've heard, there will be Mega Size Model kit scale 1/48 for Gundam AGE...well, a new gundam series that can change armaments...same concept as Kamen Riders (mighty form, speed form, etc.) Target audience are children because the characters are most likely kids....oh well, just wait and see~~~
It is for kids. Bandai wants to capitalize on that for profit. Like the Gunpla Builders.