Walking on the path of heaven, ruler of all....Tendou Souji~
The 35th anniversary of the Kamen Rider series aired on TV Asahi from January 29,2006, until the final episode January 21,2007. The 49 episodes of Kamen Rider Kabuto revolves around a man named Tendou Souji (potrayed by Mizushima Hiro). His real name is Kusakabe Souji (he was adopted by his grandma, therefore his name is Tendou Souji).
Mizushima Hiro as Kamen Rider Kabuto
He has trained seven years and do nothing, no work, no study...while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto. However, he is a smart guy that excels in everything especially fighting and cooking. He always saying quotes from his grandma's advices which starts from "Oba-chan ga itte ita...". Mostly about cooking and food. Although Tendou Souji is such an arrogant man, he is someone who care about others.
He had a 13 years old adopted sister(actually his cousin) which is Tendou Jyuka (potrayed by Natsumi Okumura). He loves his sister so much, he prepare delicious meal for his sister every morning.
Tendou Jyuka (Natsumi Okumura)
Kamen Rider Kabuto powered by Kabuto Zecter, a mechanical device which choose its user and grant him ability to transform into a Kamen Rider. Kabuto Zecter take the form of red-horned beetle known as Kabutomushi. The Zecters, also known as Masked Rider Systems are compilations of mobile systems that affect space and time given by the Natives that arrived 35 years ago to human (dated 3 April 1971 in the series,which also refer to the day 1st episode of Kamen Rider aired in real time). Its general purpose is to protect the Natives from the Worms that arrived later.
Kamen Rider Kabuto - Masked Form
The Masked Form can withstand attacks - good for defence. However, the bulky armored form can't catch up the speed of melted Worm and have to "Cast-off" to become Rider Form.
Kamen Rider Kabuto (Rider Form)
Kabuto Extender (Masked Mode)
Kabuto Extender (Ex-Mode)
Kabuto has a weapon known as Kabuto Kunai Gun. The Kabuto Kunai Gun is Kabuto's personal sidearm that has three modes to use the weapon in various forms.
- Gun Mode - the default mode, fires high-intensity ion beam blasts and is equipped with tri-laser targeting called DAT Sight. Its finishing attack is an ionic energy blast called the Avalanche Shoot.
- Ax Mode - becomes active when the gun barrel is held, and is wielded by using the bladed butt of the weapon like a tomahawk. Its finishing attack is the Avalanche Break.
- Kunai Mode - activates when the gun barrel is detached, unsheathing a short-dagger weapon good for its swift and easy handling; this is favored most when Kabuto switches to Rider Form. This mode's finishing attack is the Avalanche Slash.
Kabuto's Kunai Gun