Double/W, the 11th Heisei rider and the 20th overall, introducing a new concept in Kamen Rider series, allowing two different person to transform into a Kamen Rider. Hidari Shotaro (played by Renn Kiriyama) and Phillip which also known as Sonozaki Raito in several last episodes (played by Masaki Suda) somehow break the tradition of the kamen riders since the first kamen rider (which each of them transform single-handedly).
Kamen Rider W
Renn Kiriyama as Shotaro Hidari
Masaki Suda as Phillip/Raito Sonozaki
Well....that's new. Hitori no body and soul(one person's body and one person's soul)...or so they said. They are using a Double Driver and several USB flashdrives called Gaia Memories to transform to kamen rider.
at first, personally i thought Double is pretty similar to Kikaider...after watching a few episodes i started to like it. It's like a combination of migi to hidari(right and left) power which is quite interesting. Event the name of the 'leftside' user of the rider is also Shotaro Hidari(left).
There are 6 true Gaia Memories used by kamen rider Double, which is Cyclone, Joker, Heat, Metal, Luna and Trigger. Different combination of memories enable Double/W to execute different types of finishers when the memory is inserted into Maximum slot of Double's belt or Metal Shaft or Trigger Magnum.
- CycloneJoker - Joker Extreme
- Heat Joker - Joker Grenade
- Luna Joker - Joker Strange
- HeatMetal - Metal Branding
- CycloneMetal - Metal Twister
- LunaMetal - Metal Illusion
- LunaTrigger - Trigger Full Burst
- CycloneTrigger - Trigger Aerobuster
- HeatTrigger - Trigger Explosion